See you April 2025
See you April 2025
Welcome 2025!
Being an independent agricultural business, we are growing the usual plants and trying a few new ones. Looking for something specific that we don't have? Let us know.
In 2024 we have:
added some fencing to keep wildlife outside
continued to update as well as maintain greenhouses and property
added a livestock shed for "our pets"
reconfigured the setup of available perennial plants
For safety please enter and leave property slowly!
We have equipment and machinery in use, delivery vehicles, customers as well as neighbors with children who play along our property boarder. No plant is worth damaged vehicles or injured humans or pets.
Looking forward to a wonderful grow year!
As always, Thank You for supporting our business.
Onion sets, seed potatoes, vegetable plants, a variety of herbs, annuals, perennial selection, variety of annual hanging baskets in various sizes, vegetable starter plants, patio vegetable plants
Annuals, perennials, container vegetables, hanging baskets, herbs. We offer locally grown in season produce from other farms.
Pumpkins, gourds, hay, corn stalks, mums, flowering cabbage and kale, combo ½ bushel baskets
Poinsettias, Wreaths, Kissing balls, Mixed greens bundled for the do-it-yourselfers or in containers ready to display.
Every season we will have unusual, creative and often one-of-a kind planting– depends on what we find to create with – expect the unexpected. We also reuse and upcycle. Make sure you like us on our facebook page – that way you will know the latest.
Have a special planter that you need planted or ideas on what to put in it? Bring it with you, we are happy to help.
Sorano's Greenhouses LLC offers healthy, quality plants grown from seed or rooted cuttings for you at reasonable prices. We support and promote local businesses, for other items that we do not produce on site, such as hay bales, corn stalks and fresh produce.
Our seeding and planting schedule is aimed for you to have plants that are the perfect size to plant in your garden and a manageable size for you to transport. We strive to offer you quality at a reasonable price, while maintaining disease and pest free while in our care.
Our growing space is limited, every growing season we maximize our output.
We want gardening to be enjoyed and productive for all. We are here to help and guide you for success
We are offering this year :